Serviced apartment / RM 707,000 ~ 2,290,000


Country: 馬來西亞 / Malaysia
City: Iskandar
Property Type: Serviced apartment
Address: Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir & Jalan Senyum
Listing Price: RM 707,000 ~ 2,290,000
Built Up: 505-1636 sq ft
Floor Plan: 55 Storey
Developer: S P Setia
Location: No.12, Persiaran Setia Dagang Setia Alam, Seksyen
Completion Date: 2018年中旬
Total Units/Lots: Each floor has 4-8 units
Total Households: 250 units
Tenure: 永久產權

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〔THE CHINA POST〕 TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Facing a low-performing local real estate market, Taiwanese investors are reportedly putting their money abroad in up-and-coming development properties throughout Southeast Asia. Two large international real estate firms hosted separate press conferences on Tuesday to analyze the latest trend in real estate purchases. According to Executive Director David Chin (泰啟松) of Asia Pacific International Property, the firm, which specializes in real estate transactions in the Asia-Pacific region, made nearly NT$7.3 billion in sales.